9/11 is the date when CIA, Kissinger and Nixon had the president of Chile Salvador Allende, socialist, democratically elected, deposed and killed and the dictator Pinochet took power, 30.000 people got killed from the dictatorship regime. Yes, USA it's the land of democracy...
Sep 12, 2009
Never remember 11th of september 9/11
electric bike
Electric Bikes--Good for the environment
Aug 4, 2009
Dell mini 10 Z520 GMA 500 Ubuntu 9.04 kernel 2.6.28-14 freeze
Update for the dell mini 10 installation:
With the latest update to the kernel 2.6.28-14, the graphic is broken, you can't log in unless in safe mode. Solution:
2.6.28-14 kills PSB driver on Dell Mini 10 & Acer One 751h
sudo apt-get install psb-kernel-source
sudo shutdown -r now
the psb kernel will be automatically recompiled.
If you are experiencing freezes (you can move just the mouse), this should fix it:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install poulsbo-driver-2d poulsbo-driver-3d psb-firmware
sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf
Section "Device"
Identifier "Configured Video Device"
Option "AccelMethod" "EXA"
Option "DRI" "off"
Option "MigrationHeuristic" "greedy"
ctrl-X save &restart
Jul 24, 2009
Jul 23, 2009
daniel suelo The Man Who Survives Without Money and erin andrews
How to get rid of advertisement on the web? It's really easy. First install firefox. Then install on firefox the add-ons AD Block Plus and No Script. Check how to do and tutorials on the oracle (google). I'm enjoying very much internet now, I load web pages very fast and my CPU won't be overloaded from stupid ad scripts, where also you add security on your connection.
So, I was thinking to make a website for make money. How? well, making a blog, with a lot of advertisements, that is hit many times for day. How to make it? posting something interesting, that people search a lot on the net. What people search on the net? considering that most people would use google for find something, I can use google trends. So, what's trendy these day? outside the peep video of Erin Andrews, who don't know who she is, a hot trend is Daniel Suelo. This guy, "DANIEL SUELO LIVES IN A CAVE. UNLIKE THE average American he isn't worried about the economic crisis. That's because he figured out that the best way to stay solvent is to never be solvent in the first place. Nine years ago, in the autumn of 2000, Suelo decided to stop using money. He just quit it, like a bad drug habit." (copied from the Huffington post, obviously the Huffington post reports about this hot search trend Guy). So, searching for a way to make money, I fond out someone that doesn't need any. Just to remind you how futile our problems are. And this isn't even a crazy guy. Sure doesn't look well dressed, but he really seem happy of his choice. This is his blog: http://www.zerocurrency.blogspot.com/
I like this guy. Yes, he survive with the help of others, at the end. But is help that others are happy to provide him. And, at this point, if he wants to make money it wouldn't be difficult for him. Maybe one day will translate his blog in a book, and earn money from the copyright? For now, he is enjoy his monetary freedom. I know someone that lived in a cave, but that was an experiment of isolation. Or "The Elfs", a community that live in the wild in Tuscany, Pistoia, Italy (pretty much the same, no money, only goods exchange between them). Daniel you should go there instead! Tuscany is a more trendy place than Ohio...
This is an old anarchist dream, so it's an anarchist news: anarchistnews.org
Today's Hot Trends (USA)
Jul 21, 2009
Jul 20, 2009
Generacion B The Future of Food
One recent post she had was about food, how difficolt was to find it. Well I think she should say thanks in primis to the USA, that back only "American friendly" dictatorship. I'm sure the Cuban government would like to have McDonalds and Papa' John Pizza etc. down their roads, but for now Fidel is still the enemy for Americans. What about this other side of the wall? how free we are when we go to food policy? this is a great movie, explain just all the GM world, and how they control farmers life now, and our life tomorrow...
But, I'm still waiting, when they'll do the soy ice cream that tastes like chicken?
Jul 19, 2009
Food, Inc.
So, under the Tucson sun, decided to go to see this movie. Interesting, shocking, the Loft cinema sold out it for three days, sign that the Americans find it a sensible topic. The movie talk about how the food industry is in the hands of few companies, that use unskilled illegal immigrants for keep the costs low, make experiments with cow for find a better way to feed them with crops instead of grass.
Over 60% of GM food is made in the US. Over 70% of US product contain GM. The European Union and the United States have strong disagreements over the EU's regulation of genetically modified food. The US claims these regulations violate free trade agreements, the EU counter-position is that free trade is not truly free without informed consent.
Remember the mad cow? infected animals transmitted the disease... because where given the brain of dead animals for food. This is Matrix. Farmers don't decide anymore how to feed and grow their animals, the corporations do.
What's GM? it's genetically modified food, that it is been untested on humans, that can create food allergy, or other unknown disease. But, worse, introduce the concept of copyright in food: farmers are not allowed to reuse their own crops, or rise the chicks as they want.
Most of the engineered food, made by Monsanto, is for make stronger crops to survive at their pesticides. What about pesticide residues in that food?
Take for example canola oil, considered so good for your health. In reality is an GM food for resist to the pesticides, and is "naturally" engineered from rapeseed in the 1970s. This crop wasn't tested on humans, and need a chemical process otherwise is still toxic for humans. how good can be?
I hope this joke from "The Onion" will became true:
KFC No Longer Permitted To Use Word 'Eat' In Advertisements
Pranzo di Ferragosto
Questo e' uno dei migliori film che ho visto ultimamente. La storia di un ferragosto tra vecchiette abbandonate, con i figli impegnati nel loro ferragosto consumistico, loro lo trascorrono a casa di un emarginato, ma di una infinita sensibilita'.
Jul 18, 2009
1984 on the Kindle
Amazon erase the bought version of 1984 from the kindle, it is like stores came to your house to pick up books they didn't had the right to sell.
I don't understand what's the point, you can read for free on-line
Download ebook: http://www.planetebook.com/1984.asp
"All animals are equal, But some animals are more equal than others." Animal Farm
The Right to Read - GNU Project - Free Software Foundation (FSF)
(from “The Road To Tycho”, a collection of articles about the antecedents of the Lunarian Revolution, published in Luna City in 2096)
They moved to Luna, where they found others who had likewise gravitated away from the long arm of the SPA. When the Tycho Uprising began in 2062, the universal right to read soon became one of its central aims.
Jul 17, 2009
Jul 13, 2009
La Grande Beffa
Ha HA non ci credo... e' un sogno che diventa realta' o la piu' grande beffa del secolo, Stephen Fry FOR PRESIDENT!
Jun 26, 2009
Dell mini 10 Z520 GMA 500 Ubuntu 9.04 dual boot Installation.
Using my Ubuntu machine.
Following this guide:
Run the Windows defragmentation tool on C: (My Computer, Right click on drive, Properties, Tools, Defragment Now)
Download ubuntu 9.04:
Format usb key:
Restoring your USB key to it's original state using Linux:
A. First we need to delete the old partitions that remain on the USB key.
1. Open a terminal and type sudo su
2. Type sudo fdisk -l and note your USB drive letter.
3. Type sudo fdisk /dev/sdb
4. Type d to proceed to delete a partition
5. Type 1 to select the 1st partition and press enter
6. Type d to proceed to delete another partition (fdisk should automatically select the second partition)
B. Next we need to create the new partition.
1. Type n to make a new partition
2. Type p to make this partition primary and press enter
3. Type 1 to make this the first partition and then press enter
4. Press enter to accept the default first cylinder
5. Press enter again to accept the default last cylinder
6. Type w to write the new partition information to the USB key
7. Type sudo umount /dev/sdb
C. The last step is to create the fat filesystem.
1. Type sudo mkfs.vfat -F 32 /dev/sdb1
Create USB startup disk: system > administration > USB Startup disk creator
Restart the computer. Press F2 to enter the bios.
Go to boot section: select Usb Storage, press F6 to move up, save & exit
If successfully booted from CD, the Ubuntu logo will be displayed on the screen. Press Enter to continue.
Follow the prompts until you are asked this question: "How do you want to partition the disk ?".
Choose manual partitioning. Resize the ntfs partition as untouched of 10240 MB.
Esc partitioning, restart the computer with windows, windows xp need auto set up: This allows the Windows system to automatically rescan the newly-resized partition (using chkdsk) and write changes to its own bootup files.
Turn off windows. Insert back the USB stick and start ubuntu, select "try ubuntu without any change"
If autologin doesn't work, do "startx" at prompt
At this point start gParted: System > Administration > Partition editor
I created a primary linux swap partition 1048 MB
And one extended unallocated partition with the rest (I can not do more than 4 primary partitions)
so a new ext4 partition, leaving 10 GB at the end
and a fat 32 partition with the rest, for windows and exchange space linux/windows
click on the media usb and start the installation
select manual partitioning, select swap, root, and /windows as montpoint
leave install for a while, reboot, connect to the internet.
do the system > software upgrade, check anyway, will say it's updated, but it isn't.
At this point, there is some problems with GMA500, you can go at a resolution 800x600, for a better resolution:
create the file /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ubuntu-mobile.list with the following content:
deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/ubuntu-mobile/ppa/ubuntu jaunty main
deb-src http://ppa.launchpad.net/ubuntu-mobile/ppa/ubuntu jaunty main
apt-get update
apt-get install xserver-xorg-video-psb
Is maybe useful run in case of errors:
sudo apt-key adv --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv-keys C6598A30
Now you want probably change the timout for GRUB for boot faster:
sudo vi /boot/grub/menu.lst
Change timeout from 10 to 2
For firefox, should ask itself for plugin on web pages like flash etc. You would unselect view > toolbars > navigation toolbar
and view > status bar
you should also install ad block plus plug-in for firefox (see list of plugin on firefox)
Now you need to edit your /etc/X11/xorg.conf and add the below line to your Device Section
Driver “psb”
According to http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=6512181&postcount=94
for enable 3D you need to:
download msvdx_fw.bin from http://e.imagehost.org/download/0820/msvdx_fw
Xpsb.so from http://e.imagehost.org/download/0532/Xpsb
Drop the firmware file, msvdx_fw.bin, into /lib/firmware/2.6.28-13-generic/ (or the directory corresponding to your running kernel).
sudo mv Xpsb.so /usr/lib/xorg/modules
Restart the system to reload the psb.ko kernel module
* Enable Medibuntu repository (see their site for details)
sudo wget http://www.medibuntu.org/sources.list.d/intrepid.list --output-document=/etc/apt/sources.list.d/medibuntu.list
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install medibuntu-keyring && sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras vlc mplayer w32codecs miro hpodder skype recordmydesktop ardour audacity ffmpeg ssh gnome-do wine dosbox dosemu spectemu-x11
May 23, 2009
May 18, 2009
May 17, 2009
May 16, 2009
May 8, 2009
Apr 23, 2009
Feb 12, 2009
O D'Alia oscurame sta minchia
This will result as a Great Firewall, only that are the ISP provider that have to block the site. Well, democracy is not the so important in the economic downturn.
Feb 3, 2009
Jan 28, 2009
The Great Depression
Jan 24, 2009
1.5 Billion people on the net
Top 15 countries, by Internet population:
- China: 179.7 million
- United States: 163.3 million
- Japan: 60.0 million
- Germany: 37.0 million
- United Kingdom: 36.7 million
- France: 34.0 million
- India: 32.1 million
- Russia: 29.0 million
- Brazil: 27.7 million
- South Korea: 27.3 million
- Canada: 21.8 million
- Italy: 20.8 million
- Spain: 17.9 million
- Mexico: 12.5 million
- Netherlands: 11.8 million
One of the Obama programs to boost the economy is gave fast internet connection to rural area. It's this because it's necessary a better infrastructure or because the US wants to be the Number One again?
Italy should definitely do it.
Jan 23, 2009
Jan 20, 2009
The Second Superpower
"...the huge anti-war demonstrations around the world this weekend are reminders that there may still be two superpowers on the planet: the United States and world public opinion."
I'm wondering to see if this guy is able to have clean energy from coal as he claim.