Jul 20, 2009

Generacion B The Future of Food

Yoani Sánchez has a blog, GENERACION Y, the Cuban generation born with a Russian name, Y. But what about this other side? we are the generation B, second class citizens, born with the Bush (jr & sr) and Berlusconi, the mafia man that changed forever italian culture with his junk television and politics, the two Bushes, making war for oil, subsidizing GM agriculture and backing Monsanto and Microsoft.
One recent post she had was about food, how difficolt was to find it. Well I think she should say thanks in primis to the USA, that back only "American friendly" dictatorship. I'm sure the Cuban government would like to have McDonalds and Papa' John Pizza etc. down their roads, but for now Fidel is still the enemy for Americans. What about this other side of the wall? how free we are when we go to food policy? this is a great movie, explain just all the GM world, and how they control farmers life now, and our life tomorrow...
But, I'm still waiting, when they'll do the soy ice cream that tastes like chicken?

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