Apr 5, 2008

Fuori orario

Cinema is a form of art, one of the finest. Just look at this scene (music changed from fuori orario) extracted from "L'atalante" made in 1934 from Jean Vigo end arguably the best French film of all time.
When we watch a movie, we became part of it; we see things, hear things, and our brain start to feel things. It's one way to escape our daily routine. Let's go see a good movie.

Enrico Ghezzi -Italian for Fuori Orario (Corrado Guzzanti)


"Sentimento Nuevo" - Franco Battiato + Mute movie

"Il Cielo in una Stanza" - Franco Battiato + Mute movie

1 comment:

eli said...

ciao marconeuro!
bello luci della città, me lo ricordo appena uscito, quando andavamo tutti al drive in con kebab e succo di pomodoro a vederlo..che bei tempi!